Sariyd – Help Survivors


Our Outreach to Holocaust Survivors in Israel is going strong! – The Sariyd Project is designed for individuals to support/ adopt a Holocaust Survivor on a monthly basis, or give one-time donations – and this ensures 3 things:

  1. sariyd logo videoThey receive their needed food and medicine regularly; delivered by the same person.
  2. They have interaction with the same person, developing that relationship, as many survivors deal with paranoia and other fears of social interaction.
  3. The Survivor attends group gatherings and excursions in Israel where they can interact and be celebrated with many other Survivors, sponsored by partners of this ministry.
  4. Go To

There are over 150,000 Holocaust Survivors in the Land of Israel – plus many more, especially in Russia and the Ukraine – where anti-Semitism is very prominent.

Your support will allow you a profile card with the first name of a Survivor, whom you can pray for, and you will get updates on their well-being, interests, their story, and much more.

You can donate monthly –  $45.00/month will help a survivor receive their needed food/medicine and attend excursions and Holiday gatherings – as well as be attended to and build a relationship with a team member who will be able to minister to them.


One-Time Gifts will help to fund the teams which reach out to the survivors on a perpetual basis (weekly/wi-weekly)

The Hebrew word sariyd (saw-reed) is used in the concept of a “surviving remnant” or “remainder” of a group God has chosen and preserved. They are the covenant people who are looking to God’s direction in obedience to His divine will working through them (Is 37:4, 32). They return to the Lord and experience the fullness of His salvation when others do not (Is 10:21-22; Mic 2:12).

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