Our Outreach to Holocaust Survivors in Israel is going strong! – The Sariyd Project is designed for individuals to support/ adopt a Holocaust Survivor on a monthly basis, or give one-time donations – and this ensures 3 things:
They receive their needed food and medicine regularly; delivered by the same person.
- They have interaction with the same person, developing that relationship, as many survivors deal with paranoia and other fears of social interaction.
- The Survivor attends group gatherings and excursions in Israel where they can interact and be celebrated with many other Survivors, sponsored by partners of this ministry.
- Go To HolocaustSurvivorHelp.com
There are over 150,000 Holocaust Survivors in the Land of Israel – plus many more, especially in Russia and the Ukraine – where anti-Semitism is very prominent.
Your support will allow you a profile card with the first name of a Survivor, whom you can pray for, and you will get updates on their well-being, interests, their story, and much more.
You can donate monthly – $45.00/month will help a survivor receive their needed food/medicine and attend excursions and Holiday gatherings – as well as be attended to and build a relationship with a team member who will be able to minister to them.
One-Time Gifts will help to fund the teams which reach out to the survivors on a perpetual basis (weekly/wi-weekly)
The Hebrew word sariyd (saw-reed) is used in the concept of a “surviving remnant” or “remainder” of a group God has chosen and preserved. They are the covenant people who are looking to God’s direction in obedience to His divine will working through them (Is 37:4, 32). They return to the Lord and experience the fullness of His salvation when others do not (Is 10:21-22; Mic 2:12).
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