Israel’s New Leadership

Written by Michael

June 16, 2021

Isaiah 9:6 – “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…”

Israel has a new government – one which looks like nothing that was expected by the rest of the world.  At 11:59 (figuratively) Yair Lapid, who had 30 days to garner a majority of seats, had failed to do so – so as a “hail Mary” (tongue in cheek) – he reached across the aisle to Nephtali Bennett… a more conservative figure than Lapid, but less than Bibi – whom Bibi had marginalized since the last election. Bennett lost roughly 2/3 of his support since then, and yet when it was all said and done, the negotiations between Lapid and Bennett resulted in a majority supportive Knesset – and they will split the 4-year term of Prime Minister in half with Bennett going first.

As a result of this momentous event in Israeli history – many modern Christian leaders have voiced the opinions of varying degrees – from utter disgust and criticism to vehement support.  What does this mean for the State of Israel?  What does it mean for their people?  What will look different?  What remains the same?

Before I delve into any details, I believe we need to establish a perspective. Psalm 121:4-7 says this, “Behold, he that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.”  Yahweh is the one who is responsible for the keeping of Israel.  We support, pray for, lend assistance whenever we can, and stand with Israel against the forces of evil on this earth (and above) which seek to destroy them.  Folks, Israel has withstood multi-millennial, world-wide efforts to destroy them from the face of the earth, and it has never succeeded.  Daniel 2:21 says this, “God is the one who changes times and eras, who dethrones one king, only to establish another, who grants wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with insight.” In seeing this perspective, we must trust the Father in His divine wisdom – in who is placed at the reigns of the nation of Israel.

Folks – the Scriptures were written for us, not to us…please read that again!  The center point of everything in the Bible is the Land, the People, and the writings by people who were within and from…Israel.  Why do we as Americans then judge the political and religious realms of this nation according to whatever values and principles we hold dear in American Politics/Society and social constructs, when everything we believe came out of this very place?  Do you not know how may times God, not only allowed – but even put into place, unrighteous rulers in Israel?  Do you not know how much of Biblical Israel’s existence occurred under a monarchy, in exile, or in captivity? The book of Judges is the only place in Scripture where Israel lived as a “free” society – where the tribes actually ruled themselves and the “federal government” – the Judges, presided over large decisions and over the military only.

Having said all of this – there are purposes far beyond supporting an individual because of their stated beliefs in moral and political issues. (although these are very important to the blessing and life of the Israelis) they are not the only consideration.  Just as much we would not want Israelis involved in our political process – they do not want Americans dictating theirs.

It is in this light we have seen major Christian leaders – many of whom love, serve, and support Israel, and because of their long-time support of Netanyahu, argue and disparage the outcome of the process by which delivered a new set of Prime Ministers and Knesset (including four Islamic seats).  Do we really think God, for some reason, cannot move within the construct of this particular setup?  Didn’t He defeat 3 enemies under Jehoshaphat without a single sword being drawn? Do you really believe there will be less security with Bennett at the helm? (He was a “Navy Seal” of the IDF) – I am not concerned about security in Israel.

So, what are the issues in debate concerning the new leadership? To sum them up, many in the US believe they will have a more liberal social bent to society in regard to life and Biblical values.  What sees to have happened is that Israel and the media pushed a narrative that Bibi was so bad for the country and thus needed a change (not unlike what happened to Trump).  Yes, the party Bennett is affiliated with is more liberal than the Likud party.  Lapid seems even more liberal than Bennett – and he will have the reigns in two years.  But there are other factors we have a difficult time understanding as Americans:

  • Israel is the size of New Jersey surrounded by over 1 billion Muslims; most of which seek the destruction of the nation; as the only free society in the region.
  • Israel is already a socialized nation – (health care, base income, food & medicine etc.) It works for them because of their size and stance of “Never Again!”
  • The primary purpose of the Israeli government is the protection of the people – this will never change.  Americans generally have a more individualistic mentality towards life – even more so today with the efforts to divide the people socially.  This doesn’t exist in Israelis.
  • The United States has enjoyed being the superpower of the world – with that comes the mentality that no one compares to us – and it has been a blessing to live in this way – even if it seems we may be headed a different direction.
  • Israel is not a representative Republic – it is a parliamentary system where the citizen votes for a party, not an individual – then the party determines the individuals who serve on the number of seats in Knesset they obtain.

With all of this in mind – I encourage everyone to support the nation of Israel in prayer, finances, and in their dialogue.  The threat against the Jewish people and Israel is greater than ever as anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism worldwide proliferates governments and societies (including ours) more and more.  They need the support of Believers who understand their right and role as a nation – and the fact the enemy of our souls has sought to destroy them for ions, for the purpose of eradicating any truth of the God of Israel in the earth.  Stand with Israel today!

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