We will be partnering with relocation services in a comprehensive way. Many families have lost family members, homes, vehicles, and every possession they had inside the home… We have begun acquiring a network of services from transportation, to real estate, to clothing, and much more. Some of these families need to move out of state to join their extended families or friends – some will want to stay in NC/TN but move close by from where they once were…To donate click the button, follow the instructions and specify your contribution in the bottom field… Donate Here
Hanukkah & You! – Yes, Just Take A Look
In Genesis 1, it tells us how the world was created – but it also describes the entire world as a Temple in which God holds dominion. According to Genesis 1:6, God creates a canopy: expanse (raqia) in the midst of the waters. The word also translated, “firmament”—is...