Duality, not Duplicity

Written by Michael

December 7, 2019

Right now, considering the relationship and sub sequential political circumstances with the US and Israel – is it possible with what currently exists, there is a seemingly coordinated, parallel effort to oust the leaders of both nations; at the same time, by a unified front? Let’s look at the similarities…

A few days ago, Speaker Pelosi announced the moving forward articles of Impeachment against President Trump, and the Indictment of Prime Minister Netanyahu was enacted exactly 2 weeks prior. Yesterday, Congress decided to pass a resolution opposing annexing the Jordan Valley, promoting a two-state solution in Israel – flying in the face of President Trump’s position on the Golan Heights, Gaza & West Bank, and ultimately a unity held by Israel and the US for over 70 years, by a globalist-minded unified effort.  We have a “squad” of influencers in Congress, who hate Israel and are virally affecting many Representatives to follow them.

The publicly demonstrated self-defense of both leader’s positions has been almost identical: terms like “witch hunt” and “false accusations” have been repeated by Netanyahu and Trump, describing what has been perpetrated against them; and the “in-your-face” political replies to individuals have been a mirror image of each other. Is this a duplicitous effort by both to be somehow shielded from wrongdoing, or is there really a dual attack on the nationalist/populist approaches of both world leaders?

Historically, if one looks at the geopolitical climate of the 1980’s and 1990’s, the approaches of President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu are not any different than the Reagan/Shamir era.  Both leaders from yesteryear operated out of a close friendship and with a nationalist paradigm.  US policy as a whole has always respected the Israeli governance model of “security-first”, possibly until now.  Reagan made sure Shamir received all the assistance he needed to ensure their nation’s preservation.

Why now? Why is this happening? Yogi Berra once said, “You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run, if you’re timing is right.”  I believe that the forces of the kingdom of darkness have so influenced modern culture, including those who are anti-Israel, and those who also carry an anti-nationalist view. They somehow believe their timing is right to create an upheaval in leadership of the two strongest democracies on earth.  With resulting political elections remaining in flux in Israel, and a 3-year concerted effort to undermine the presidency in the US, those with a socialist and globalist-mindset are “swinging for the fence” to change the political spectrum and weaken both nations at the same time.  There are relationships between those who are prosecuting both leaders, stemming from many in the previous administration and currently elected officials which are too long to describe here.

There is also a well-held opinion that if Trump is not impeached quickly, he will win the next election by a large majority.  On the other side, Israel’s left parties want a complete change in the leadership for many reasons as well.  Netanyahu is currently considered the interim PM, and rumblings of the dissolution of the Knesset until another election is secured are being sounded even now.

As Christians, we war against the forces of spiritual wickedness in high places when we pray effectually and fervently.  The US and Israel are, and have historically been, completely aligned with Israel.  This means we hold solidarity through the victories, as well as through the struggles.  When Israel hurts, we hurt, and when Israel is victorious, we rejoice together.  What we need to pray for in this season, is for this symbiotic relationship to remain, and we do not let the anti-God spirit permeate the rest of our national leadership as to divide the unity we share.  Unity with Israel is a Biblical mandate, period.  This supersedes our political loyalties.  Please be in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem (the leadership and government included), so that nationally, we retain and grow the strength of our bond with Israel.  A failure to retain this, I believe, will cause us to fall out of the blessing given to Abraham when God called him initially, in Genesis 12:2-3, where Scripture says:  “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you.” If you want to join Act4IsraelNow in a  regularly scheduled online prayer time for Israel, please reach out to us at  Mike@Act4IsraelNow.com.

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