ENMI/Israel Update

Hey Everyone, UPDATE! Obviously much has happened in the war in Israel – Gaza is being slowly taken over, sabers from the north are rattling – attacks in the south have increased – more nations showing their presence on both sides… Aid is still...

Israel At War: What Should I Do?

There are a lot of theories floating in the church about the war in Israel – The church is looking at Ezekiel 38-39 to the point of prognosticating that we are imminently there…The Isaiah 17 destruction of Damascus is also being declared as a place we are...

Salvation By Allegiant Belief

Many people ask the question, “How did the Israelites in the Old Testament receive salvation when they did not have Jesus?” I’m sure each one of us has asked that question, and usually, it ends with a supposition that God will sort it all out in the end.  What if...

Tisha B’ Av

Tisha B’ Av is a day of remembrance and soberness – a day of fasting and thinking about what is even going on currently in Israel. It commemorates many things – but focuses on the destruction of the first two Temples. It is the saddest day on the...

Christians Need The Messiah

I have been writing lately a great deal about the idea of the Messiah – Yeshua. There is a huge move of a message and narrative in the believing world today about living in the Kingdom and what it looks like versus religion, the local church, and our general behavior...