Anti-Semitism Unpacked

Written by Michael

June 18, 2024

With the litany of racial terms, slogans, epitaphs, and identities focused on over the last several decades, the morphing and changes in the social construct of the vernacular and terminology has been interesting to watch.  We could peruse different nationalities and see how they have been socially identified over the years and how everyday people have changed how they identify them based upon societal norms.  Many are defined not only by their national or unified heritage, but also by historical dimensions which can contain changes and/or inaccuracies.  For example, being a Hispanic led to the term, Latino, and can mean a heritage from a myriad of nations and beliefs.  Being Caucasian or white, has its own social dynamics.  Being from Iran, means being called an Iranian in most parts of the world – a relatively new label, however many “Iranians” prefer being called Persian (a much older title referring to the name of the nation of Iran as Persia, prior to the Second World War) – but that is one we do not hear about much in the West…and the list goes on…

In looking as to how Jewish people have been viewed by, mainly the West, and treated over the last 3800+ years by the nations of the world, we need to stipulate a few things:

Jewish people have been identified by two distinct but connected characteristics: Nationality/Heritage and Religion.  For millennia, these were unified; as one could not exist without the other (except in the case where a non-Jewish person converts to Judaism).  We see covenantal changes made to incorporate foreigners as early as Exodus 12:38 where “a mixed multitude…” went with the Hebrews out of Egypt because they Identified the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as the One True and only God.  Subsequently, Moses was instructed by God in how to bring these foreigners into the covenant of becoming as one of them in the following chapter.

No other major culture in society has had a complete and unified tie between national heritage and an exclusive and historical belief system.  Islam is not tied to one national culture, Buddhism – even Christianity…not tied to a singular people group.  So inherently, looking in from the outside into the life of Jewish people, there exists a strong ignorance in trying to understand this dynamic, because the social and spiritual architecture is foreign to everyone else.

Having addressed the natural elements which exist to create a divide, how do we begin to understand the spiritual and Biblical issues?  This explanation requires many conversations and dialectics to discuss, so I will attempt to identify a few root identifications which hopefully will create some understanding – as one can see this is a complex picture.  Let’s look at a few Biblical truths surrounding the Israel/Jewish identity and see if we, as believers in Yeshua/Jesus can begin to understand why anti-Semitism exists.

I am a firm believer in the truth that every corporate social conflict has a spiritual existence.  Whether it’s a personal argument, all the way up to a conflict between nations, there are spiritual forces that create dynamics and influences in the decisions of people, which in turn create feelings and emotions, when if not kept in check, can be negatively acted upon.

Let’s look at post October 7th; and the outpouring of hate against Israel AND the Jewish people – to the point of supporting the rape, murder, beating, kidnapping and other unspeakables – against a RACE of people.

The original example of this is Cain and Abel.  Cain’s envy of Abel’s favor from God created hatred, was influenced by a spirit of murder, and then was acted upon – we all know the story.  Later on,  Jacob and Esau; Jacob gets Esau to promise his birthright blessing to Jacob out of leveraging a basic human need.  Jacob uses Esau’s hunger against him, in order to have that blessing gifted back to himself.  Later, when it is time for the blessing to be issued, Jacob conspires with his mother to steal the final blessing from his Father Isaac.  The principle of blessing is what it is.  It cannot be revoked; yet envy, conspiracy, and selfishness influenced Rebekah and Jacob to take what was legally Esau’s.   Esau left the family, his anger and hatred ensued, he became the father of the Edomites, which then evolved into the peoples of the nations (Gentiles).

We see throughout the persecution of the Jewish people in the last 1600 years, an initial thread line of stereotypical wealth envy.  If one examines the speeches of Constantine, Trotsky, Pope Pius XII, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and so many others – they all contain this element and foundation.  Not differing much from Biblical conflicts, people generally envy those who are blessed.  Abraham received the blessing from Yahweh, that “…whoever blesses you and your descendants, I will bless, and whoever curses you I will curse…”.  That promise still rings true today.  The nation of Israel is now the world’s leader in innovation, medicine, technology, horticulture and botany, as well as many other fields; and they are one of; if not THE the most hated nations on the face of the earth.

Have you ever wondered how the Jewish population in the world is about a quarter of a percent, and in the US being 2.5%, yet they are NOT considered a legal minority in the USA or by the United Nations? By comparison, Hispanics in the US make up almost 17% of the population, African Americans are approximately 15% of the US population and they both are considered minorities.  Now before you begin to postulate, I am referencing general culture alone in the latter examples, I admit that, yes, I am comparing that aspect. I do so to exemplify the very fact the Jewish people have been slighted in every aspect of consideration across the world’s stage.  Every decision in the UN Security council has always been against Israel – so why is that the case?

It is this very point we need to have clarity; where there is a connection between belief and heritage – that this has never been made quantitative when it comes to connecting numbers in the Jewish people.  The only EXCEPTION is when it came to an extermination effort against them.  Now we are hearing the same echoes and similar voices against them. These persecutions occurred about a dozen times in history, with Hitler’s Germany being the most recent.  In those instances, detailed tracing of Jewish people, based upon many physical, religious, genetic aspects and detail tracking came into play.  These facts are something to really think about, as we can clearly see the enemy’s plan has been to eradicate God’s people from the face of the earth since Adam was created.  Why? THEN, a newfound truth could attempt to be established with societal concreteness, that the God of the Bible never existed.  Thank you, Father, for protecting your people for 6000 years.

Today’s movement against anti-Semitism attempts to track the number of Jewish people in the world today, spearheaded by the nation of Israel.  The motto, “Never Again” in reference to the holocaust of the 30’s and 40’s, along with the establishment of Holocaust museums around the world have proliferated the effort of advocacy and awareness of how easy anti-Semitism can rear its ugly head.  So, what is anti-Semitism – really? – this term is thrown around a great deal, so let’s try to identify what this truly means.

I need to state that I profoundly believe, as believers in Christ, that we have a Biblical, moral, and Kingdom duty to support Israel and the Jewish people.  I will go one step more and say it is an utmost priority.  Unfortunately, academia and media influencers turn the Israel issue into a Social Justice-minded, organized platform.  Without correct data and using skewed and half-truths, they manipulate the inherent envy inside individuals to somehow believe that a quarter of a percent of the world’s population is an utmost crisis to the world and needs to be persecuted and/or eliminated.

Today, acts against Jewish people, synagogues, temples, yeshivas, and other Jewish Organizations are at an all-time high.  The beatings of Jewish people from protests across the US and Europe seem unending and now the hostages that are left – with rescue attempts by the IDF leaves Israel with a continued loss of life – and that does not even include all the rockets, missiles and drones launched against them.  French Jews are leaving their country in droves because of the severity of assaults, threats, and vandalism against them.  London has also experienced an exodus for similar reasons, where beatings of Jewish people occur daily – and we do not hear about those incidents.

Where has the surprising rise of anti-Semitism also come from in recent years?  – The church in the West…That might come as a shock, however, the Baby-Boomer generation from around the world, who knew the history and reality of the concentration camps in eastern Europe is aging, and the Gen X, Y, and Z folks are forming new thoughts in regard to the Jewish people and Israel.   Academia and the media have contributed to the message of Israel being identified as an oppressor nation – These are the same people who have no knowledge of the culture and land from a Biblical perspective.  Pulpits are also dry of any teaching on Israel, the Jewish people, and their relationship to us as believers in Christ. Modern churches who ascribe to societal pop trends – see the Bible through a dark lens and great distortion – not understanding that Jesus himself was Jewish, a Rabbi, and his disciples were all Jewish. Paul the Apostle – from a wealthy Jewish family was a Rabbi protégé from Gamliel – a famous Rabbi of all time. Paul was not a Christian – but a Jewish Believer in Yeshua as Messiah – however sent to the Nations to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Anti-Semitism at its root is an ignorant envy, based in an age-long spiritual influence from the kingdom of darkness.  What comes to mind when you think about Israel and the Jewish people?  – Stereotypes? Or do you truly understand that according to Romans 11, Paul says we are grafted into the root of what God gave them as a promise and blessing – which was never changed, forsaken, or lost.

Now, in recent years, we have seen a split between overall anti-Semitism solely against the Jewish people and their culture, and a separated anti-Israel stance.  Even high-profiled American Jews are standing AGAINST Israel and those who support her.  This new divide is causing a rift amongst the Jews as a whole.  Again, we see another facet of the effort on the enemy’s part to cause division from within.  Instead of holding on to the solidarity of their heritage and Biblically prophesied rebirthed nation, some feel that there is a separation and difference.  Time has helped to foster this, along with revisionist theories which either downplay the holocaust or teach that it never existed; along with a transformed social-justice oppressive ideal concerning the nation of Israel.

So what is the role of the nations concerning the Jewish people?  Isaiah tells us this very thing in chapter 49: “This is what the Lord GOD says: “Behold I will lift up My hand to the nations, and raise My banner to the peoples.  They will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders.” Will you be that one spoken about in the last verse?  Let’s be motivated to take action today – Our newest project – the Isaiah 49:22 project does exactly that. I pray that in your walk with the Master – Israel and the Jewish people have a place of prayer, support, and love by every Believer in Jesus.

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